Top 2 Ways to Fix Distorted Screen Problem in Windows 10

Jun. 23, 2022 / Updated by Bessie Shaw to Windows 10

Windows 10 screen resolution problems are never something new to Windows users since Windows 10 released. Distorted screen problem in Windows 10, one of the most common screen resolution errors on Windows 10, often occurs with the phenomena like broken pixels and stretched images.

What Is the Cause of Distorted Screen

The reasons that cause the distortion screen or stretched screen are too complicated to gather up all. But to sum up, the main culprits causing distorted display in windows 10 are as below.

1. Incorrect display settings.

2. Incompatible display drivers in Windows 10.

3. Other unknown reasons.

While luckily, there are workable solutions to make the distorted screen back to normal screen resolution. Below is how:

Method 1. Adjust Display Settings to Fix Distorted Screen Problem in Windows 10

The first thing you should do is to check your display settings when you meet the distorted screen issue in Windows 10. Because you may unintentionally change your pixel display settings with some Windows key hits. Follow the steps to adjust it to the original display settings.

Step 1. Right-click on the desktop and then open the Display settings.

distorted screen.png

Step 2. Click on Advanced Settings and then check the pixel resolution settings.

distorted display(1).jpg

Step 3. Set the pixel resolution settings to the recommended level as below picture shows (The recommended level varies from different display card).

recommended resolution level(1).jpg

Step 4. Reboot your computer to see whether the distorted display back to normal.

Note: If the distortion screen still persists after you set the recommended resolution level, try to set it to standard settings 1024 x 768.

Method 2. Update Your Display Driver to Fix Distorted Display Problem in Windows 10

In all likelihood, say the incompatible driver in Windows 10, or to be more specific, the incorrect graphics driver on windows 10 is one of the most common malefactors which lead to display errors, such as distorted screen or stretched screen in Windows 10, black screen, VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE Error etc.

To update display drivers, you could manually to do so via Device Manager:

Steo 1. Find the display driver under the Display adapters you used.

Step 2. Right-click on that graphics driver.

Step 3. Select Update.

Then Device Manager will perform the updates. Remember to restart your computer after the installation completes.

Updating drivers manually could be quite annoying, especially for those who are not good at fixing computer issues. So if you prefer an energy-saving channel to update drivers, it is highly recommended that you download and install the compatible graphics driver with one automatic driver updater utility tool. Driver Talent, an all in one stop driver update and management utility, takes only minutes from detecting driver problems to repairing them.

Read More: Driver Talent review on Engadget

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Follow the 3 easy steps to resolve distorted screen problem in Windows 10.

Step 1. Identify Problematic Drivers

Click “Scan” to let Driver Talent make a deep detection for all your drivers on Windows 10 after you launch it.

scan graphics drivers

Step 2. Update Your Display Driver for Windows 10

After scan, all the faulty drivers will be listed. Click “Repair” and Driver Talent will download and install the best-matched graphics driver for the Windows 10 automatically in no time. Or you can also click “Update” to keep all your drivers up to date.

graphics drivers download

Notes: It is recommended not to update what are not broken.

To prevent from drivers crashing, you’d better back up you drivers with Driver Talent before you update the display driver.

Step 3. Reboot Your PC

Make a PC restart after the above two steps to let the new graphics driver come into effect.

Note: Apart from drivers downloading and updating, Driver Talent comes with more advanced features, such as create a restore point before installing any new drivers, drivers download for another computer, PC speed up, VR support check, etc.

Don't miss:

If you are suffering the distorted screen problem in Windows 10 and happen to read this post, we wish the fixes in this article hopefully help you out. You can leave comments below if you have further questions. Our team is always glad to help you.

Tags: screen issue, 

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