7 Fixes for 0xc0000142 Cmd Error on Windows 10

Jun. 23, 2022 / Updated by Bessie Shaw to Windows 10

Recently, lots of users encounter the 0xc0000142error or Cmd error after the Windows 10 upgrade. Windows 10 is never free from various error codes, such as 0x0000003B System_Service_Exception error, 0x0000007b error, error code 0x000000D1, etc. In this case, when you try to launch the Command Prompt or other applications via the cmd.exe, or when you shut down the computer, the 0xc0000142 error message will appear on the screen, which says:

The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)


What can you do to make the computer work properly again when encountering such cmd error on Windows? Let’s continue the reading.

How to Fix Windows 10 Cmd Error 0xc0000142

To fix the 0xc0000142 error on Windows 10, you could try the top 7 methods below:

Method 1. Run a Virus Scan on the Computer

Virus or malware can result in 0xc0000142 cmd error, so if you have anti-virus program installed on Windows 10, run it and perform a scan to see if there are those troublemakers. If so, try to clean them up in safe mode.

Method 2. Completely Register .dll to Fix Windows 10 Cmd Error 0xc0000142

Run cmd.exe as fast as you can when you enter Window 10 and register .dll completely. Sometimes, this will work for fix the 0xc0000142 application error.

1. When you enter Windows 10, right click on the Start menu and select Command Prompt (Admin).

2. Paste the command line below to the dialog box and hit the Enter:

for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1

Note: Do this as quickly as you can before Windows 10 finishes all the startups loading.


3. Wait for a while until it ends the rolling screen and register .dll completely. Then Restart your PC.

See if you can launch Command Prompt or other applications via cmd.exe now.

Method 3. Remove Programs Installed Recently

0xc0000142 error is related to some programs. If you’ve newly installed some programs, software of applications, try removing them one by one to see if the 0xc0000142 application error still persists.

1. Uninstall Adobe Flash

Some users reported when they uninstalled the Adobe Flash and reinstalled it, the 0xc0000142 error was fixed successfully.

2. Uninstall NVIDIA GeForce Experience

Try to uninstall the Experience, which won’t affect the running of NVIDIA graphics.

3. Check the Drivers

Uninstall and then reinstall drivers you recently updated, for instance, NVIDIA driver, to help fixing the cmd error.

Note: You can use Driver Talent, the one-click driver problems solution, to reinstall all your drivers instantly. Click the Download button below to have one and do a free scan for your computer now.

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Method 4. Perform a Clean Boot on Windows to Fix 0xc0000142 Error

If the problem still persists when you apply Method 3 above, you can also place the system in Clean Boot and check out the exact programs or services that result in 0xc0000142 cmd error.

For more information about Windows Clean Boot, see: How to Use Windows 10 Clean Boot to Fix PC Errors

Method 5. Modify the Registry

If some programs were not deleted thoroughly, it will also cause the 0xc0000142 error and make the cmd.exe unable to start correctly. You can enter the Registry Editor to clean up the segments.

1. Use Window shortcut keysWin + R to launch Run.

2. Type regedit into the dialog box and hit the key Enter.

3. Go to the following location in the pop-up Registry Editor:


4. Delete the segments of the programs from the right column.

5. Close the Window and restart the PC to see if this works.

Note: If you are not that technical in computer, it is not recommended to modify the Registry in case serious PC problems occur, like 100% disk usage, mouse and keyboard not working, slow boot issue, etc.

Method 6. Modify Local Group Policy

1. Use Windows Shortcut keys Win + R to launch Run.

2. Type gpedit.msc into the dialog box and press Enter.

3. When the Local Group Policy Editor pops up, expand the entry User Configuration and Administrative Templates. Then highlight the entry System.


4. Navigate to Prevent access to command prompt in the setting menu from the right column, and then right click on it to select Edit.


5. Choose No Configured or Disable.


This will fix the 0xc0000142 cmd error and make the Command Prompt available.

Note: Windows 10 Home edition has no access to the Local Group Policy.

Method 7. Restore or Reinstall Windows 10

If all of the methods above fail to resolve the 0xc0000142 cmd error on your Windows 10, you may consider restoring or reinstalling the Windows. Though it is a trouble for you to do that, it will really kill the headache and release the pain.

1. Restore Windows 10

Open System Properties to check if you’ve create any system restore points before. Or you can use the restore point created by Driver Talent to do this.

For more information about restoring Windows 10, see How to Use System Restore to Fix Windows 10 Issues

2. Reinstall Windows 10

Reinstalling Windows is not easy, and click here to learn how to reinstall Windows 10 and fix the 0xc0000142 application error thoroughly.

Hope this article can help you fix the 0xc0000142 cmd error and make your Command Prompt run properly again. If you have any other Windows 10-related issues, check for the solutions in Windows 10 Issues and Fix section on this site. You can also comment below if you have any questions.

Tags: error code 

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