Fix: Surface Pro Pen Not Working on Windows 10

Jun. 23, 2022 / Updated by Wendy to Windows 10

The Surface Pro pen is one of the most attractive Microsoft Surface Pro tablet features. While after upgrading to Windows 10 or the Win 10 Creators Update, many users find their Surface Pro pen no longer working anymore, especially the Surface Pro 4 and Pro 3 owners. How frustrating that using a Surface Pro with a not working Surface Pro pen. If you are currently suffering the Surface Pro pen not working or the Surface Pro stylus won’t write hitch on Windows 10, below are a few tricks to help you out.

Solution 1. Check the Surface Pro Pen Battery to Fix the Surface Pro Pen not Working Error on Windows 10

Sometimes the Surface Pro pen cannot write error can be simply resulted by a running out battery. Thus to rule out that possibility, you’d better check the Surface Pro pen battery you’re your Surface Pro 3 or Surface Pro 4 tablet. The Surface Pro pen requires an AAAA battery. So, if your pen is suddenly non-responsive, i.e. it doesn’t write and none of the buttons work, the first thing to try is to replace the battery. To check that, unscrewing the cap of the pen to remove the battery and then insert the battery back. If the Surface Pro pen stays unresponsive, replace the battery to see whether it’s a battery issue.

Solution 2. Repair Your Surface Pro Pen

The Microsoft Surface Pro pen connects to your Surface Pro device via a Bluetooth. The Surface Pro 4 pen not working or Surface Pro 4 pen unresponsive bug can occur once any Bluetooth issue appears. To check and pair the Bluetooth for your Microsoft Surface Pro pen, follow below steps:

1. Press the Windows shortcut keysWin+ I to open WindowsSettings and choose Device.


2. Ensure the Bluetooth is turned on.


3. Select your Surface Pen on the list of the devices and then click Remove device.

4. Hold down the top button of your Surface Pro pen until a green light in starts flashing (about 7 seconds) in the middle of your pen, which means your pen connects to your Surface Pro machine.


6. When you see the pen shows up on the list again, highlight it and select Pair.

Then you should be able to use your Surface Pro pen now.

Solution 3. Update the Drivers to Repair Surface Pro Stylus Not Working Issue

The improper urface Pro drivers like the Surface Pro Bluetooth driver also could causes Surface Pro pen malfunctions, stopping the pen from working. To update it and get the best-matched Surface Pro driver for the Surface Pro laptop, you can manually download them via Microsoft support page to repair Surface Pro 4 pen not working problem.

If your choice goes to an easier channel to pack the Surface pen driver’s downloading and updating into a one-stop step, you could have a try with Driver Talent, a popular driver issue troubleshooter, automatically downloading the most compatible Windows 10 driver for Microsoft Surface Pro laptops.

Click the button below to get Driver Talent seamlessly and then update the correct Surface drivers with 3 easy steps.

Download Now

Step 1. Scan Problematic Drivers for the Windows 10 Surface Pro Device

Click “Scan” and Driver Talent will detect if the drivers of your Surface laptop are compatible with Windows 10.

Step 2. Download and Update Surface Pen Drivers

Note: To avoid further issues like blue screen, black screen etc., it is recommended to back up drivers.

Click “Repair” to download and install the most compatible drivers for Microsoft Surface Pro device. Or you are able to get the most updated versions by clicking “Update”.


Solution 4. Install the Microsoft Surface Pro Updates to Troubleshoot Your Surface Pro Pen Error

Making sure all the software and firmware is up to date on your Surface Pro device is also helpful to figure out Surface Pro pen’s problem. Below is how.

1. Press the Windows shortcut keysWin+I to open Windows Settings.

2. Choose the Update & Security.

3. Click Check for updates under the Windows Update category.

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Then wait for the system to respond. It will check for updates and install them on the Microsoft Surface Pro laptop automatically.

That’s all for the Surface Pro pen not working troubleshooters. If you find more workarounds on the defective Surface Pro pen, please share with us in the comment section below, or go to the OStoto official forum via the left menu on the page.

Tags: microsoft 

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