How to Fix Asus Smart Gesture Not Working after Windows 10 Creators Update

Jun. 23, 2022 / Updated by Bessie Shaw to Windows 10

Many Asus laptop owners report that they are afflicted by the Asus Smart Gesture not working after the Windows 10 Creators Update issue. To fix the Asus touchpad gesture not working after the Creators Update, you could try the following methods, also applied to Fall Creators Update 1709 and Windows 10 April Update 1803.

1. Update Asus Touchpad Driver to Fix Asus Smart Gesture Not Working after Windows 10 Creators Update

Most often, the Asus Smart Gesture not working after the Windows 10 Creators Update happens because your Asus touchpad driver is not compatible with the Creators Update. What you need to do is update the Asus touchpad driver for the Windows 10 Creators Update. The quickest method is using an Asus driver update utility like Driver Talent, which could scan out your outdated, corrupted, damaged or missing Asus touchpad driver in seconds, and then automatically download and install the most compatible Asus touchpad driver in 2 minutes.

Click the button below to get Driver Talent directly.

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Below are 3 simple steps to download the right Asus touchpad driver to fix your Asus Smart Gesture not working after the Windows 10 Creators Update issue.

Step 1. Scan Your PC

Launch Driver Talent. Click “Scan” to detect your Asus touchpad driver issue.

scan your pc

Step 2. Download Asus Touchpad Driver to Fix Asus Smart Gesture Not Working after Windows 10 Creators Update

Click “Repair” to fix your faulty Asus touchpad driver. Driver Talent will automatically download and install the best-matched version without a hitch in the background. You are able to click “Update” to update your Asus touchpad driver to the latest version. But it is not recommended to update what ain’t broken.

 update asus touchpad driver for windows 10 Creators update

Step 3. Reboot Your PC

After you install the Asus touchpad driver, reboot your PC to make the changes come into effect.

Note: Make sure that back up your drivers with Driver Talent prior to installing new Asus touchpad driver to prevent driver crashes.

Additionally, Drive Talent is equipped with other premium features, like drivers restore, drivers uninstall, system restore, drivers pre-download for another PC, PC Repair, hardware detection, VR support check and PC speed up, etc.

See Also:Free Asus Driver Download and Update Utility for Windows PC

2. Remove Current Asus Smart Gesture and Manually Download Latest Version from Asus Website

There's a good chance that your Asus Smart Gesture software is incompatible with your system, which causes the Asus Smart Gesture not working after the Windows 10 Creators Update problem. You could try to remove your currently installed Asus Smart Gesture and then manually download the latest version from the Asus website, but it will be a long and tedious process. To do it, follow these instructions:

Step 1. Right-click on Start, select Power User menu and then Control Panel.

Step 2. Head over to Programs and Features and select Uninstall or change a program.

Step 3. Right-click on Asus Smart Gesture and click Repair.

Step 4. After Windows 10 restarts, go to Control Panel again and click Uninstall or change a program.

Step 5. Right-click on ASUS Smart Gesture, select Edit and then Remove.

Step 6. Navigate to the Asus Support page to download the latest Asus Smart Gesture software, including Asus Smart Gesture for 64-bit and Asus Smart Gesture for 32-bit.

Step 7. Restart your computer.

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Tags: asus,  touchpad issue 

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