1 PC / 1 Year

$1.67 1-Month

3 PCs / 1 Year

$0.83 1-Month/1-PC

1 PC / Lifetime

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30-Days Money Back Guarantee
We have a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. If you find that DriverTalent marked your hardware as available but was unable to provide an available device driver when scanning it for you, we guarantee that all your money will be refunded immediately.

More than 10,000,000 customers around the world

Driver Talnet User World Map

It saves a lot of time for users to find and download drivers, and avoids damage to the computer caused by installing the wrong drivers.

All drivers are certified

Microsoft WHQL

Passed Microsoft WHQL Tests & DriverTalent Tests

We use only genuine drivers, straight from your hardware manufacturer. And they’re all tested and certified - either by Microsoft or by Driver Talent. Or both.

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